Nanka Football Patriots

These names below are the partners of Nanka Champions League, known as Nanka Football Patriots

A group of young football enthusiasts under the aegis of Nanka Football Patriots are the eagles that have landed to support Prof. Poly Emenike in sponsorship of Nanka Champions League and other football developmental programmes in our dear town, Nanka.
Prof. Poly Emenike MON needs a breather; these eagles have come to provide such. The curtain raiser for this project starts this 2022 Nanka Champions League, the following targets are;
  • Engaging and sponsoring the indemnities (fees) of quality Referees for the NCL
  • Re-establish inviting Rangers or Abia Warriors on December 31 to play Nanka Eleven
  • Introducing a Prize Money for the fourth placed team @N100,000
  • Fabricating Pitch Panels (Advert Boards and Spaces) to help beautify the stadium and raise funds for Nanka Champions League.
  • Other Logistics: Presentation of 2 balls each to all the branches, presentation of 10 balls to NAFA, establishment of NCL Stewards, helping to take care of Ball Boys
  • Giving our NCL more Media attention from this year, building a website that will help market our players, more presence on Social Media and Traditional Media
  • Appreciating NAFA Officials for their yearly Efforts